0417_vi_john_moran001_t618As Day One of UltiimatePoker.com s legal online poker wraps up in Nevada the first of the racing U.S. states to get er done (with New Jersey panting and out of breath now, we re sure) you can bet that Las Vegas attorney John Moran, Jr. is exhausted and relieved. He s the guy who s been the lead commissioner in the Silver State s push to get interactive gaming alive and kicking and off the drawing boards, as well as the guy who will be overseeing drafted legislation for ensuing interstate compacts, most likely with California and New Jersey, for starters, anyway. And in a field as uncharted as the Wild West was when Lewis and Clark moved into it, you can bet this isn t a gig for the faint of heart.

Sandoval Signed Interstate Law

As Nevada and New Jersey raced towards what looked like it could be a photo finish to be the first to get online poker up and running legally in America, and as Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval made sure that Assembly Bill 114 was going to pass authorizing legislation that made Internet gaming this side of the law and will enable Nevada to sign on players from other U.S. states eventually it was John Moran, Jr. who was making sure all the i s were dotted and t s crossed properly.

It s Moran s job to authorize or reject online gaming agreements with other states for the governor. And it s never been done before; talk about a new frontier.   When the Legislature adopts new policy, it s up to the Gaming Commission to provide the details through regulations, said Nevada Gaming Commission Chairman Peter Bernhard.   I usually assign a lead commissioner to work with the Gaming Control Board staff, the [state] Attorney General s office, and other commissioners to draft regulations, which are reviewed by the industry and in public hearings.

So there you have Moran s job description in a nutshell. We hope he s got his liquor cabinet well-stocked with Jim Beam for the months ahead.

Interstate compacts with states are pretty prevalent, noted Moran about his assignments.   We ve had agreements for water and energy use among states in the Colorado River basin and even an international compact with Mexico. But this is going to be precedent-setting, because it will be the first one for interstate agreements for gaming.

Better start drinking, John.